Thursday, June 27, 2013

Make Money with Free Music

Here's another one.. sorta black hat-ish...

First, go sign up with Bee4biz - it's a content-locking URL Shortener. 

Go find something you want to lock up (maybe a movie or music? You can download free music at DatPiff (Link) (or, here's a protected link, if you want to be nice to me--> DatPiff).  If you want, you can either just straight up link to that site (but people won't like that) or you can download the stuff, reupload it to your own site (through wordpress, blogger, really anything) and link to that through Bee4biz.

Now, go promote the link.

"But where?" You ask.

YouTube: Download the album art, put it in Windows Movie Maker, drag and drop one of the songs in there and you've got a 4-5 min "video" with the song in it.  Put your link in the description.

Yahoo Answers: Go find someone who's looking for free music, answer a question with your link.  Or, if you're blackhat (which I don't recommend, this is strictly for educational purposes and entertainment purposes), you can create one account, ask a question like "Where do I get ____'s new album?"  Then sign on to your other account, answer, post your link.  Sign back on to your first account, pick it as the best answer.  Rinse & repeat with different links/songs/artists.  Make sure you have multiple Yahoo accounts.

Social Networks: With the use of hashtags (especially on Facebook now) you can much more easily find targeted people who are looking for #lilwayne or whatever.  Post your link on social networks with hashtags (#freemusic, #freerapmusic etc.).

Google Alerts: Here's one not very many people know.. set up a Google Alert for your artist.. every time Google indexes an article about them, you'll get an email.  Go comment on that article, include your link.  Make sure you say something legitimate.  Don't spam your link.  Read the article and respond, then don't even mention your link.  Don't go "FREE MUSIC CLICK HERE---> " These articles are already getting traffic from Google, so naturally, some of them will click through to your site if they're reading the article and comments.

So there, a pretty simple way of making bank, with no website, no money and minimal thinking.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Hassle Way to Become an eBay Affiliate

So, eBay has an affiliate program, called eBay Partner Network (or EPN) for short.  But, the long and short of it is, that it is notoriously difficult to get into unless you already have an established website.  So here's a bit of a cheat.

All you have to do, is sign up for Skimlinks.  That's all.  Not very difficult or intelligent, but hey, it works.  All you need is a [free] blogger or wordpress blog with a couple posts on it (just post pictures of puppies or something) and then you're up and running.  Go find your product, stick it in the Skimlinks URL Shortener, and *poof!* instant eBay Affiliate Link.

Sign up for Skimlinks Here:  Skimlinks

Note: Does that company sound familiar? That's because Pinterest was using Skimlinks to monetize before some people freaked out and they stopped.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hi. This blog is just going to be straight up methods on how to make money online. No BS.  Stay tuned!